Montag, 12. November 2007

IzPack 3.11.0-beta1 coming soon...

The next version of IzPack installer is coming soon. There will be a preview on November, 30th. This should be a feature complete version. The final version will be released after a documentation update.

See for more information.

RuleEngine (conditions): new features in 3.11
  • conditional expressions:
    use + (and), (or), \ (xor) or ! (not) in your conditionids:
    there are two conditions with ids cond1 and cond2.
    ex1. pack test can be installed if cond1 and cond2 are evaluated to true:

    ex2. pack test can be installed if cond1 or cond2 is evaluated to true:

    ex3. pack test can be installed if cond1 is evaluated to false:
  • added support for conditions in jobs in ProcessPanel:
    ex1. ...
  • fixed condition evaluation in PacksPanel

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